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Data annotation for Machine Learning, our complete guide

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In today's digital age and the new industrial revolution of artificial intelligence, data has become one of the most valuable assets. Machine Learning (ML) plays a key role in harnessing this information to derive meaningful insights and informed decisions.


At the heart of this technology lies an essential step in transforming raw data into usable resources for algorithms: data annotation or data annotation. This task, often overlooked by the general public but fundamental to AI, involves labeling and organizing data so that it can be effectively used by Machine Learning models.


In AI, data labeling projects involves several steps necessary to ensure accurate, high-quality data labeling, such as transcribing, tagging or processing objects within various types of unstructured data (text, image, audio, video), to enable algorithms to interpret the labeled data and train themselves to solve analyses or interpret information without human intervention.


Data annotation or data annotation is a process that requires both precision and a thorough understanding of the data context. Whether in image recognition, natural language natural language processing or predictive analysis, the quality of a data annotation has a direct impact on model performance.



In other words, the relevance and accuracy of a data annotation process largely determines the ability of algorithms to learn and generalize from data! In this article, we explain how the process of preparing data for Machine Learning models works!




A data pipeline for AI: data collection, data ingestion, data preparation, data computation, data presentation. Used to build ground truth data by creating a layer of metadata (e.g. intent annotation, entity annotation, object tracking, audio annotation, video annotation or text annotation).
A simplified view of data use cycles for AI that all Data Scientists should know about!



Data annotation: what is it?


Data annotation refers to the process of assigning labels to raw data. These attributes or labels can vary according to the type of data and the specific application of Machine Learning. Data labeling involves the transcription, marking or processing of objects within various data types (text, image, audio, video) to enable algorithms to interpret the labeled data and train themselves to solve analyses without human intervention. Labeled data plays an important role in training machine learning models, and a variety of tools and platforms are used to label or annotate data in different formats.


For example, in an image database, labels can indicate the objects present in each image, such as "cat", "dog" or "tree". For textual data, a data annotation can identify parts of speech, named entities (such as names of people or places), or sentiments expressed in a text. We can also create navigational relationships between entities and solve problems of property correspondence, using specific data annotations.


The task of data annotation can be performed manually by human annotators or automatically using algorithmic techniques (with more or less convincing results). In automated systems, human supervision is often required to check and correct a data annotation to ensure its reliability. Often, the best method of data preparation is to use hybrid approaches: for example, this may involve equipping annotators (or data labelers) with advanced tools to enable them to make precise annotations, and to have a functional and critical eye on the reviewed data.






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How important is data annotation (and data annotation tools) in machine learning?


Data annotation is important in Artificial Intelligence in several contexts:


Training Machine Learning models

Machine Learning algorithms require annotated data to learn how to perform specific tasks. High-quality annotated data is required for training ML models. Data Labeling (also known as "Data Annotation") is an essential part of this process, including data classification, categorization, organization and ordering. It is important to follow specific steps such as data selection, manual or automatic annotation, quality checking and editing to ensure accurate, high-quality labeling. For example, an image classificationΒ  Β model needs to be trained on a dataset where each image is labeled with the corresponding class. Without these labels, the model would not be able to learn to distinguish between different categories of objects... (which it can thanks to techniques such as object detection or object tracking to detect through multi-frames of a video, for instance).


Evaluating model performance

Data annotations are used to create validation and test data sets. These sets are used to measure model performance in terms of precision, recall, F-measurement, etc. Annotated data provides a clear reference against which model predictions can be compared.


Continuous model improvement

Annotations help to identify errors and biases in Machine Learning models. For example, if an image recognition model systematically identifies objects of a certain class incorrectly, a manual data annotation, corresponding to the "ground truth data" can reveal this bias. This enables Machine Learning engineers to adjust and improve algorithms for better performance.


Contextual understanding and data interpretation

Annotations provide important context to data. They enable Machine Learning models (e.g. YOLO algorithm for object detection) to understand not only what the data is, but also how it is structured and what information it contains. For example, specifying a unique index on a user's login name when creating indexes in a database can improve the efficiency of searching and organizing data. The same applies to unstructured data when you try to build ground truth data: when we assign a label or tag to an image, we create metadata which is then exploited to add a semantic layer to an image, enabling the Machine Learning model to interpret it.


Another example: in natural language processingdata annotation labels can indicate the syntactic and semantic relationships between words, which is essential for tasks such as machine translation orsentiment analysis.


Intelligent systems development

To develop intelligent systems capable of understanding and interacting with the world in a human way, high-quality annotated data is needed. Whether for voice assistantsautonomous cars or recommendation systems, data annotations play a central role in providing the knowledge needed for learning and decision-making.



What are the different types of data annotation?


There are several types of data annotation, adapted to different data formats and the specific needs of Machine Learning applications. Here's a detailed exploration of the main types of data annotation, covering images, text and other common formats.


Image annotations

Image annotations play a key role in Machine Learning, especially for computer vision tasks. Below are the main activities in image annotation:


Classification annotation

This type of annotation involves assigning a unique category to each image. For example, in a fruit dataset, each image could be labeled as "apple", "banana" or "orange". This type of labeling enables Machine Learning algorithms to understand and classify images according to the defined categories. This method is used for image classification tasks where the model must predict the class of a given image.


Object detection annotation

Here, bounding boxes are drawn around objects of interest in an image, each box being labeled with the class of the object it contains. For example, in a street image, annotators can identify and frame cars, pedestrians and traffic lights. This type of annotation is essential for object detection.


Semantic segmentation annotation (or semantic segmentation)

In the semantic segmentationeach pixel in the image is tagged with a class, enabling a detailed understanding of the image. For example, a landscape image can be annotated to differentiate between road, trees, sky and other elements. This is particularly useful for applications requiring fine-grained image analysis.


Segmentation annotation instance

Similar to semantic segmentation, but each instance of an object is labeled individually. For example, in an image containing several dogs, each dog will be annotated separately. This technique is used for tasks where the distinction between individual instances is required, such as multiple object recognition (also known as object detection).


Annotation of key points

Specific points on objects are annotated for tasks such as pose detection or facial recognition. For example, for human pose detection, key points can be placed on joints such as elbows, knees and shoulders. This is important for applications requiring the understanding of movements or facial expressions.




Footballers with bounding box annotation on their heads. This annotated image can be used in sports analytics. It is usually created using data annotation tools with video annotation or image annotation features.
An illustration of the principle of image annotation with Bounding Boxes, applied to sports videos!




Text annotations

Text annotations are essential for natural language processing (NLP). Here are the main types:


Text classification annotation

Each document or text segment is tagged with a predefined category. For example, e-mails can be classified as "spam" or "non-spam". This type of labeling enables Machine Learning algorithms to understand and classify text documents according to the defined categories. This method is commonly used for document classification tasks, such as spam filtering or news article categorization.


Named entity annotation (NER)

This technique involves identifying and labeling specific entities in text, such as the names of people, things or places, dates or organizations. For example, in the sentence"Apple announced a new product in Cupertino","Apple" and"Cupertino" would be annotated as named entities. This method is required for applications that need to extract specific information.


Sentiment annotation

Text is annotated to indicate the sentiment expressed, as positive, negative or neutral. For example, a customer review can be annotated to reflect the general feeling of satisfaction or dissatisfaction. This technique is widely used for sentiment analysis in social networks and online reviews.


Annotation of parts of speech (POS)

Each word or token in a sentence is labeled with its grammatical category, such as noun, verb, adjective and so on. For example, in the sentence"The cat sleeps","The" would be annotated as a determiner,"cat" as a noun, and"sleeps" as a verb. This annotation is fundamental to the syntactic and grammatical understanding of texts.


Annotation of semantic relations (semantic annotation)

This method involves annotating relationships between different entities in the text. For example, in the sentence"Google has acquired YouTube", an acquisition relationship would be annotated between"Google" and"YouTube". This technique is used for complex tasks such as relation extraction and knowledge graph construction.



Other annotation types

In addition to images and text, other data formats require specific annotations:


Annotation of audio data

Audio files can be annotated to identify specific segments, transcriptions, sound types or speakers. For example, in a conversation recording, each speech segment can be annotated with the identity of the speaker and transcribed into text. This is essential for applications such as speech recognition and sentiment analysis in conversations.


Video data annotation

Videos can be annotated frame by frame or segment by segment to indicate actions, objects or events. For example, in a surveillance video, every movement of a person can be annotated to identify suspicious behavior. This annotation is used by surveillance systems and computer vision applications.


3D data annotation

3D data, such as point clouds or 3D models, can be annotated to identify objects, structures or areas of interest. For example, in a 3D scan of a room, objects such as furniture can be annotated for augmented reality or robotics applications. This method is used in fields requiring precise spatial understanding.



These types of annotation enable the creation of rich, informative datasets, essential for training and evaluating Machine Learning models in a variety of applications and domains.



What are the different data annotation methods?


There are several methods for annotating data, adapted to the specific needs of machine learning projects and the types of data to be annotated.


Manual annotation

Manual annotation is performed by human annotators who examine each piece of data and add the appropriate label or annotation. This method offers a high degree of accuracy and understanding of the nuances and complex contexts of the data, which is important for highly detailed and specific annotations.


Human annotators can adapt to a variety of tasks and changing annotation criteria, offering appreciable flexibility. However, this process is often perceived as costly and time-consuming, especially for large datasets. What's more, annotations can vary according to annotators' interpretations, requiring quality verification processes to ensure consistency and accuracy.



In reality, your perception of manual annotation processes is often negative, because you've worked with untrained staff in the past, when relying on micro-tasking or crowdsourcing platforms. Quite the opposite of what we offer with Innovatiana By entrusting us with the development of your datasets or by outsourcing your annotation workflow, you'll be working with professional, experienced Data Labelers!



Human annotators often work on dedicated environments(such asCVAT or Label Studiofor example),where each page represents a set of data to be annotated, enabling structured, methodical management of the annotation process.


Automated annotation

Automated annotation uses advanced data processing algorithms and Machine Learning models to annotate data without direct human intervention to create a specific annotation. This method is particularly fast, enabling large quantities of data to be processed in a short space of time. Automated annotation models produce uniform annotations, reducing variability between data.


However, the accuracy of this method depends on the quality of the annotation models, which inevitably make mistakes. Consequently, human supervision to monitor the annotation workflow, and it is always required to check and correct annotations, which can limit the overall effectiveness of this method if it is not accompanied with supervision from qualified personnel.


Semi-automated annotation

The semi-automated method combines automated annotation with human verification and correction. The algorithms perform an initial pre-annotationthen humans correct and refine the results. This approach offers a good balance between speed and accuracy, as it enables data to be processed rapidly while maintaining good annotation quality thanks to human intervention.


It is also less costly than fully manual annotation, since humans only intervene to correct errors in data annotation. However, this method can be complex to implement, requiring an infrastructure to integrate automated and manual steps. What's more, the final quality always depends on the initial performance of the annotation algorithms.


These different data annotation methods offer a variety of approaches to processing data, depending on the resources available, the size of the dataset and the specific requirements of the project. The choice of the appropriate method or annotation workflow will depend on accuracy requirements, time and budget constraints, and the complexity of the data to be annotated.



Circular workflow of Machine Learning: data collection, data preprocessing, data modeling, evaluation of training data, evaluation of model, model optimization, model deployment, performance monitoring.
In the data annotation process, data annotation tasks come into play at the very beginning of AI development cycles: right from the Data Collection and Data Preprocessing phases.




What role do humans play in the Machine Learning / Deep Learning and data annotation process?


Humans play a central role in the data annotation process, a key phase in the development of high-performance Machine Learning models. Human annotations are essential for creating high-quality datasets, as human annotators are skilled at understanding and interpreting the contextual nuances and subtleties of data that machines cannot easily discern.


For example, when annotating images to detect object detectionhumans can accurately identify and label objects, even in difficult visibility conditions or with partially obstructed objects. Similarly, for textual data, humans can interpret the meaning and tone of sentences, identify named entities and complex relationships, and discern expressed sentiments.


Verification and supervision of the annotation process

Even when automated annotation techniques are used, human skills remain essential to verify and correct the annotations produced by the algorithms. Automatic annotation models, while efficient and fast, can make mistakes or lack precision in certain cases.


Human annotators can review results, identify errors and, if necessary, make corrections to ensure the accuracy of annotated data. This human supervision is particularly important in sensitive or high-risk fields, such as medicine, where annotation errors can have serious consequences.


Quality management

Humans also play an important role in managing the quality of data annotations. Taking charge of specific activities such as quality management and support for automated annotation processes is essential. Quality control processes, such as peer review, annotation audits and feedback mechanisms, often involve experienced human annotators who can assess and improve the consistency and accuracy of annotations (and therefore the final quality of your datasets).


For example, in a crowdsourcingapproach, where many annotators can participate, human experts can be tasked with checking a sample of annotations for inconsistencies and systematic errors, and providing guidelines for improving overall quality.


Model design and optimization

Beyond data annotation, humans play a key role in the design, training and optimization of Machine Learning models. Machine Learning engineers and researchers use their expertise to choose appropriate algorithms, adjust hyperparameters, and select the most relevant features from the data.


Interpreting model results, understanding errors and biases, and adjusting models to improve their performance all require significant human intervention. For example, after initial training of a model, experts can analyze incorrect predictions to identify sources of bias or variance, and make modifications to the training data or model architecture to achieve better results.


Ethics and responsibility

Finally, humans are responsible for ensuring that Machine Learning systems are used ethically and responsibly. This includes taking into account potential biases in training data (even high quality training data sometimes!), being transparent about how models work, and assessing the impact of deployed systems on users and society in general.


Ethical decisions and regulations around the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning require a deep understanding of the social, cultural and legal implications, a task that falls to humans. At a time when regulations around AI are evolving, it seems essential to us to take into account the challenges of data annotation and implement best practices, such as those advocated by the recent NIST paper regarding data labeling and pre-processing (source: NIST AI-600-1Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Framework: Generative Artificial Intelligence Profile).



How to choose the right tools for data annotation?


The choice of tools for data annotation is critical to guarantee the efficiency and quality of annotations, which in turn influence the performance of Machine Learning models. Here are some key criteria and steps for selecting the most appropriate annotation tools for your needs:


Understanding project needs

Before choosing a tool, it's essential to understand the specific needs of your Machine Learning project. This means identifying the type of data you're working with, whether images, text, video, audio or 3D data, as each type of data may require specialized tools.


In addition, it is necessary to determine the types of annotation required, such as classification,Β Β object detection, object tracking, semantic segmentation, semantic annotation, or text annotation such as NER (Named Entity Recognition). The volume of data to be annotated must also be assessed, as this may influence the choice of tool in terms of scalability and automation.


Features and capacities

The functionality of annotation tools varies widely, and it's important to choose a tool that meets your specific needs. An intuitive user interface and a good user experience increase productivity and reduce the number of annotation errors that data labelers can make.


Look for AI-assisted tools offering quality verification features, such as peer review and annotation audits. If your project involves several annotators, choose a tool that facilitates collaboration and user management.


Some tools integrate automatic or semi-automatic annotation functions, which can speed up the process. Finally, the ability to customize label types and annotation processes is essential to adapt to the specific needs of your project.


Integration and compatibility

Make sure the annotation tool can be easily integrated into your existing workflow (e.g. labeling workflow for a CV object detection model such as YOLO), using AI to improve the quality of annotated data. This tool can be used for image classification, semantic annotation, video annotation or audio annotation. Check that the tool supports the data formats you use, such as JPEG or PNG for images, and TXT or CSV for text.


It must also enable annotations to be exported in formats compatible with your data analysis tools and Machine Learning applications. The availability of APIs and connectors to integrate the tool with other systems and data pipelines is an important criterion for seamless integration.


Cost and scalability

Consider the cost of the tool in relation to your budget and project requirements. Compare tool pricing models, whether per user, per data volume, or based on a monthly or annual subscription, and assess how they match your budget.


Make sure, too, that the tool can scale with the growth of your project and handle increasing data volumes without compromising performance. Scalability is essential to avoid limitations as your annotation needs grow.



πŸ’‘ Did you know? Innovatiana is an independent player: we collaborate with most of the data annotation solution publishers on the market. We can provide you with information on their pricing models, and help you select the most cost-effective solution best suited to your needs. To find out more...



Support and documentation

Good technical support and comprehensive documentation can greatly facilitate the adoption and use of the AI-assisted tool. Check that the tool offers complete and clear documentation, covering all functionalities and providing user guides.


Evaluate the quality of technical support, by examining the availability of assistance, whether via live chat, email or telephone, and the responsiveness of customer service. Efficient technical support can quickly resolve problems and minimize interruptions to your annotation process.


Test and evaluation

Before making a final choice, it's a good idea to try out several tools. Use trial versions or free demos to evaluate the functionality and ergonomics of each tool. Gather feedback from potential users, such as annotators and project managers, to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each tool.


Conducting small-scale pilot projects allows you to observe how the tool performs under real-life conditions, and assess its compatibility with your requirements. This enables you to make an informed decision and choose the tool best suited to your needs.



πŸ’‘ Want to know more about the data annotation platforms available on the market? Read our article !





Data annotation is a fundamental and necessary step in the development process of Machine Learning or Deep Learning models (from Computer Vision models such as models used for object detection, to the development of instruction datasets for finetuning Large Language Models). It transforms raw data into intelligible, usable information (i.e. training datasets, preferably high quality training data), guiding algorithms towards more accurate predictions and optimal performance.


Multiple types of annotation, whether for images, text, video or other forms of data, meet the specific needs of different projects, each with its own methods and tools.


However, despite significant advances, the field of data annotation still faces a number of challenges. The quality of annotations is sometimes compromised by the variability of human interpretations, or by the limitations of automated tools.


The cost and time required to obtain accurate annotations can be prohibitive, and integrating annotation tools into complex workflows remains an obstacle for many teams.


However, in the rapidly evolving AI landscapelandscape, startups are constantly striving to gain a competitive edge. Whether they're developing cutting-edge AI algorithms, creating innovative products or optimizing existing processes, data is at the heart of their operations. However, raw data is often like a puzzle with missing pieces - valuable but incomplete. This is where data annotation comes in, providing the context and structure that transform raw data into actionable information.


The future evolution of data annotation promises innovations in terms of tools and techniques to speed up data preparation processes. Developments in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning could automate more annotation tasks to prepare high quality training data, increasing speed and accuracy while reducing costs.


We can also imagine that new collaborative techniques and crowdsourcing approaches crowdsourcingcould improve the quality and efficiency of annotations. At Innovatiana, we're convinced that one constant will remain: services, annotation services for AI in particular. Whatever advances are made in the technologies used to develop AI, there will be a greater need than ever for specialized staff who have mastered the annotation tools and techniques of data preparation. Data labelers are doing an important and necessary job, which many people today consider laborious or unimportant. On the contrary, we believe it is indispensable work that will ultimately contribute to the mass adoption of AI development techniques and solutions by companies!