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Image segmentation: the backbone of visual artificial intelligence?

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Image segmentation is a fundamental discipline in visual computing and inimage annotation in artificial intelligence. It consists in dividing an image into significant and distinct regions. This technique is of vital importance in the field of visual artificial intelligence, enabling computer systems to understand and analyze visual information accurately and efficiently. Courses in image segmentation are essential for mastering advanced techniques and their practical applications, particularly in scientific disciplines such as CO2 sequestration monitoring and rock permeability assessment.


By partitioning an image into coherent segments, image segmentation facilitates various tasks, such as object recognitionedge detection andpattern analysis. We tell you all about it in this article!



What is image segmentation, and what role does it play in visual artificial intelligence?


Image segmentation is a technique used in visual computing to divide an image into different regions or segments, making it easier to detect objects, perform classification tasks and applications in fields such as computer vision, medical imaging, robotics and geological analysis.


Its essential role in visual artificial intelligence lies in its ability to provide a structured and meaningful representation of visual information, enabling computer systems to understand and interact with their visual environment in more sophisticated ways.


By partitioning an image into coherent segments, image segmentation makes it possible to identify and differentiate the various elements present in a visual scene, such as objects, contours and textures.


This precise segmentation is fundamental to many visual artificial intelligence applications, including object recognition, pattern detection, video surveillance, autonomous navigation, computer-aided diagnostic medicine, and many more.








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What are the different approaches and techniques used in image segmentation?


There are several approaches and techniques used in image segmentation. Each image segmentation technique involves a series of specific operations to process and analyze images. Each is adapted to specific contexts, and offers distinct advantages and limitations. The choice of method often depends on image characteristics, accuracy and performance requirements, as well as real-time processing constraints where applicable.




Segmentation of a grayscale image with Otsu (source :



Thresholding is one of the simplest and most commonly used methods in image segmentation. Its fundamental principle is based on the definition of a threshold value, above which pixels are considered to belong to an object of interest, and below which they are classified as belonging to the background.


  • Threshold selection

The first step in thresholding is to choose an appropriate threshold value. This value can be determined empirically by examining the image histogram to identify luminance, color or intensity levels that clearly separate object pixels from background pixels. Alternatively, more advanced techniques can be used to automatically define the threshold, such as the Otsu method, which minimizes intra-class variance.


  • Pixel classification

Once the threshold has been set, each pixel in the image is compared with the threshold. Pixels whose value exceeds the threshold are assigned to the object of interest, while those whose value is below the threshold are assigned to the background. This classification process is carried out for each image pixel, resulting in a binary segmentation where pixels are either "activated" (belonging to the object) or "deactivated" (belonging to the background).


  • Types of thresholding

Thresholding can be applied globally, where a single threshold is used for the entire image, or locally, where different thresholds are applied to different regions of the image depending on their local characteristics.


For example, global thresholding can be effective for segmenting images with uniform contrast between object and background. Local thresholding, on the other hand, may be more suitable for images with variations in luminance or contrast.


  • Post-processing

After segmentation, post-processing techniques can be used to improve the quality of the results. These may include noise removal, merging of neighboring regions, or filling in gaps in object contours.



Contour-based methods

Edge-based methods in image segmentation are essential for identifying the boundaries between objects and background in an image. These methods can be used to highlight abrupt transitions in intensity values and pinpoint object contours with great precision.


  • Detection of abrupt transitions

Contour-based methods exploit abrupt transitions or significant changes in image color, luminance or texture values to locate contours. Contours generally correspond to significant variations in these properties, making them distinct and identifiable.


  • Using gradient operators



Segmentation of an image of rice grains by watershed on the gradient norm (source :



The gradient operatorsgradient operators, such as the Sobel filter, the Prewitt filter or the Roberts filter, are commonly used to detect contours in an image. These operators calculate the gradients of the image, i.e. the changes in luminance or intensity of pixels, and highlight the regions where these changes are most pronounced, which generally correspond to the contours.


  • Canny contour detector

The Canny Contour Detector is one of the most popular and successful algorithms for contour detection. To detect contours with high accuracy and low noise sensitivity, it uses several steps, including:Β 

- noise reduction ;

- gradient calculation ;

- elimination of local non-maxima ;

- implementation of a hysteresis thresholding.


  • Contour selection

Once the contours have been detected, different methods can be used to select those that are most relevant or significant for the specific segmentation task. This can include the application of quality criteria, such as contour length, curvature or coherence, or the use of fusion techniques to combine neighboring contour segments.



Segmentation by region

Region-based segmentation is a powerful and versatile approach to segmenting images into homogeneous regions. This method automatically detects and groups similar pixels into coherent regions. This facilitates the understanding and analysis of visual data in many application fields.


  • RegionGrowing

This method involves selecting one or more starting pixels, called "seeds", and then progressively enlarging the regions by adding neighboring pixels that share similar characteristics. The process continues until all pixels are assigned to a specific region, or until predefined stopping criteria are reached. Region growth is sensitive to initial conditions and can be influenced by the choice of seeds and growth criteria.


  • Clustering methods

These techniques group image pixels into clusters or homogeneous groups based on their similarities in feature space, such as color, texture or brightness. The most commonly used clustering algorithm is the K-means algorithm, which partitions data into a predefined number of clusters while minimizing intra-cluster variance. Other clustering methods, such as hierarchical ascending classification (HAC) or spectral clustering, can also be used depending on specific segmentation requirements.


  • Active region algorithms(Active Contour Models)

Also known as "snakes", active region algorithms use deformable contours to segment images into homogeneous regions. Active contours are initially placed close to the edges of objects of interest, then deformed to fit the actual object contours by minimizing a user-defined energy function. Snakes can be used to segment objects with complex or ill-defined boundaries, but they can be sensitive to noise and artifacts in the image.



Adaptive threshold segmentation

Adaptive threshold segmentation is an effective approach for segmenting images with varying contrast levels or non-uniform lighting conditions. It enables regions to be segmented with greater precision and better adaptation to local variations. As such, it is particularly useful in scenarios where image acquisition conditions are variable or unpredictable.


  • Image decomposition into local zones

Firstly, the image is divided into local zones or blocks of fixed or variable size. Each zone contains a set of pixels which will be processed together to determine the corresponding segmentation threshold.


  • Calculating local thresholds

For each local area, a segmentation threshold is calculated according to the local characteristics of the image. This can be the mean or median gray level of the pixels in the area. This method can also use more sophisticated methods based on local statistical distributions.


  • Adaptive segmentation

Once the local thresholds have been calculated, each zone is segmented using its own adaptive threshold. Pixels are classified as belonging to the object or background according to their intensity relative to the threshold of the local zone to which they belong.


  • Merging results

After the segmentation of each zone, the results are often merged to obtain a coherent segmentation of the whole image. This may involve post-processing steps to eliminate artifacts and inconsistencies between different zones.



Segmentation based on Active ContourModels

Active contours are used in a variety of applications, including medical image segmentation, object detection in natural images, pattern recognition and computer vision. Their flexibility and ability to adapt to complex contours make them a valuable tool for image segmentation in situations where other segmentation methods may be ineffective or imprecise.


  • Initializing the active contour

An initial contour is placed close to the contour of the object of interest in the image. This contour can be specified manually by the user or initialized automatically using techniques such as edge detection or point-of-interest localization.


  • Contour deformation

Once the initial contour is in place, it is iteratively deformed to match the actual contours of the object in the image. This is achieved by minimizing a user-defined energy function. The latter takes into account both the consistency of the contour and its adherence to image features, such as luminance gradients or texture properties.


  • Energy optimization

Contour deformation is achieved by optimizing the energy function using numerical optimization techniques such as gradient descent or optimization methods based on successive iterations. The aim is to find the contour configuration that minimizes the total energy so that it best matches the contours of the objects in the image.


  • Stop deformation

Contour deformation continues until certain predefined stopping criteria are reached, such as algorithm convergence or contour stabilization. At this point, the final contour is obtained and can be used to segment the object of interest in the image.



Machine learning-based segmentation

Machine learning-based segmentation offers several advantages, including increased accuracy, the ability to generalize to unseen data, and adaptability to a variety of segmentation tasks. Tools such as Python, Pillow and OpenCV are commonly used for computer vision training and image image segmentation. However, it often requires a large training dataset and significant computational resources for model training, but offers outstanding performance in many image segmentation applications.


  • Training data collection and preparation

A training data set is built up, comprising pairs of images and corresponding segmentation masks. The images can be pre-processed if necessary to normalize pixel values or increase the size of the data set.


  • Neural network architecture design

Next, a convolutional neural network (CNN) architecture is designed to perform the segmentation task. Popular architectures include U-Net, FCN (Fully Convolutional Network) and Mask R-CNN, which are specifically designed for image segmentation.


  • Neural network training

The neural network is then trained on the training dataset to learn how to automatically segment images. During training, the network adjusts its weights and parameters. To do this, it uses optimization techniques such as error backpropagation to minimize the difference between the segmentation masks predicted by the network and the actual segmentation masks.


  • Model validation and adjustment

After training, the model is evaluated on a validation dataset to assess its performance and adjust hyperparameters if necessary. This may include techniques such as adjusting the learning ratedata augmentationor regularization to improve model performance.


  • Using the model for segmentation

Once trained, the model can be used to segment new images in real time. By feeding an image into the model, it automatically generates a segmentation mask that identifies regions of interest in the image.



Semantic segmentation

The semantic segmentation offers a fine, precise understanding of image content. This is what makes it so useful in many fields, including computer vision, artificial intelligence and image analysis.


  • Data preparation and annotation

A training dataset is built up, comprising annotated images where each pixel is labeled with its corresponding semantic class. These annotations can be performed manually by human annotators or automatically using computer-aided image processing techniques.


  • Segmentation network design

A convolutional neural network (CNN), specifically designed for semantic segmentation, is then built. Popular architectures include fully convolutional segmentation networks (FCNs), deep residue neural networks (ResNet), or encoder-decoders.


  • Neural network training

The neural network is trained on the annotated training dataset to learn how to associate each image pixel with its corresponding semantic class. During training, the network adjusts its weights and parameters using optimization techniques such as gradient descent to minimize the difference between network predictions and actual annotations.


  • Model validation and evaluation

After training, the model is evaluated on a validation dataset to assess its performance in terms of precision, recall and other segmentation performance measures. Optimization techniques can be applied to improve model performance if required.


  • Using the model for semantic segmentation

Once trained, the model can be used to segment new images in real time by assigning each image pixel a predicted semantic class. This enables precise, detailed segmentation of image content, which is useful in many applications, such as autonomous driving, video surveillance, mapping and many others.



What are the main areas of application for image segmentation in artificial intelligence?


Image segmentation has a multitude of applications in various fields of artificial intelligence:

Object recognition

Image segmentation is used to distinguish and isolate different objects in an image. This ability is crucial for automatic object recognition, where artificial intelligence systems need to identify specific objects in a complex scene.


For example, in video surveillance applications, image segmentation enables the detection and tracking of moving objects, such as vehicles or people, which is essential for security and surveillance.


Computer-aided medical and diagnostic imaging

In medicine, image segmentation is used for the analysis of medical imaging, such as CT scans and MRIs. Image segmentation helps healthcare professionals to diagnose diseases, plan treatments and assess patient progress with greater precision. In particular, by identifying and differentiating anatomical structures, lesions or anomalies.


In addition, several articles on the basics of image processing, machine vision and robotics are available, with the possibility of commenting on these articles on a dedicated forum.


Computer vision and image processing

In computer vision, image segmentation is used to extract important visual features from images, such as contours, textures or areas of interest. This information can then be used for tasks such as facial recognition, 3D object reconstruction or augmented reality.


Mapping and remote sensing

In cartography and remote sensing, image segmentation is used to analyze satellite or aerial images in order to map and monitor specific geographical areas. For example, image segmentation can be used to identify and monitor environmental changes, such as deforestation, soil erosion or urban expansion.


Industry and robotics

In industry and robotics, image segmentation is used to guide robots and machines in tasks such as assembly, quality inspection or object manipulation. By segmenting images of the work scene, artificial intelligence systems can identify and locate precisely the elements with which robots need to interact, enabling efficient automation of industrial processes.


Image and video analysis for social networks and marketing

On social networks and on the web, image segmentation is used to visually analyze content shared by users, such as images, videos videos or advertisements. By segmenting this content, artificial intelligence systems can extract relevant information for advertising targeting, trend analysis, or personalized content recommendation, which is essential for online marketing and advertising.





In conclusion, image segmentation plays a leading role in many areas of visual artificial intelligence, offering solutions for efficiently analyzing, understanding and interpreting visual information. We have explored various segmentation approaches and techniques, each with its own advantages and limitations, but all contributing to the creation of more accurate and powerful artificial intelligence models.


From traditional methods such as thresholding and edge detection to modern approaches based on machine learning and convolutional neural networks, image segmentation has evolved significantly. It offers solutions for a wide variety of tasks and applications.Β 


It's clear that image segmentation will continue to play a key role in the evolution of visual artificial intelligence. This, even as new advances, such as semantic segmentation based on deep neural networks, continue to emerge.