Convolutional Neural Network: operation, advantages and applications in AI

The π convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are powerful tools in artificial intelligence. They are a subcategory of machine learning and are used to improve the generalization performance of learning algorithms. Convolutional neural networks, as a subcategory of machine learning, find applications in image recognition, recommender systems and π natural language processing. They are particularly effective for processing visual data. Initially developed for image recognition, CNNs quickly found applications in a variety of fields.
A convolutional neural network is a deep neural network architecture. It is distinguished by its ability to extract relevant features from images, thanks to its convolution layers. These networks mimic the functioning of an animal's visual cortex.
CNNs are used for π image classificationimage classification, π object detection and π image segmentation. They offer superior performance compared with other image processing methods. In addition to computer vision research, CNNs are also applied in fields such as medical diagnostics, automotive and many others. Curious to find out more? We'll tell you all about it!
What is a convolutional neural network (CNN)?
A convolutional neural network (CNN) is a type of artificial neural network specially designed to process and analyze visual data. Inspired by the organization of the visual cortex in animals, CNNs are particularly effective for image recognition and visual analysis tasks.
CNNs are distinguished from other neural networks by their unique architecture. They use convolution layers, pooling layers and fully connected layers. The pooling layer reduces data dimensionality by retaining only the most important features, thus limiting π overlearning. There are different types of pooling, such as max-pooling andaverage pooling, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
Fully connected layers perform high-level reasoning in the neural network by connecting each node in the output layer to a node in the previous layer. They typically exploit a softmax activation function to classify inputs appropriately, producing a probability of 0 to 1.
Here are the three main components of CNNs:
Convolution layers
Convolution layers form the core of convolutional neural networks. Their main function is to extract features from input data, usually images. They have various functions, including:
- Convolutional filtering: Convolution layers apply filters (or kernels) to the input image. A filter is a small matrix, often 3x3 or 5x5 in size, which passes (or "convolves") over the image.
- Feature detection: Each filter detects different types of feature, such as specific edges, textures or patterns. For example, one filter may detect horizontal edges, while another may detect vertical edges.
- Feature maps: The result of applying a filter to the image is a feature map. Each convolution layer produces several feature maps, corresponding to each filter used.
- Non-linearity: After applying the filter, a non-linear activation function, such as ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit), is often applied to introduce non-linearity into the model. This allows more complex relationships in the data to be captured.
Pooling layers
Pooling layers, also known as sub-sampling or sub-networks, are used to reduce the dimensionality of feature maps while retaining important information. The pooling layer reduces data dimensionality by retaining only the most important features, thus limiting overlearning. This helps reduce the number of parameters and the risk of overlearning. There are two types of pooling, including :
- Max-Pooling This is the most common pooling method. It divides the image into non-overlapping sub-regions and takes the maximum value of each sub-region. For example, in a 2x2 region, max-pooling will take the highest value of the four pixels.
- Average-Pooling which is another common method where the values in each sub-region are averaged. This method is less aggressive than max-pooling, but retains less detail.
Pooling reduces the size of feature maps, which in turn reduces the number of parameters and calculations required in the network. This helps to make the model more efficient (and, it can't be said often enough, less prone tooverfitting!).
Fully connected diapers
Fullyconnected layers are usually found at the end of a CNN and act as classifiers for the features extracted by the previous layers. These layers are used for high-level reasoning in a neural network, exploiting activation functions such as softmax for classification. These layers typically exploit a softmax activation function to classify inputs appropriately, producing a probability of 0 to 1. These layers have different functionings:
- Full connection: In these layers, each neuron is connected to all neurons in the previous layer. This allows the extracted features to be combined to form a global representation of the image.
- Classification: Fully connected layers take learned features and transform them into final outputs. For example, for an image classification task, the output would be a vector of probabilities representing the different possible classes.
- Activation function: The neurons in these layers often use activation functions such as softmax for multiclass classification problems. The softmax function converts values into probabilities, making it easier to interpret results.
- Learning weights: During training, the weights of these connections are adjusted to minimize prediction error. Fully connected layers play a decisive role in generalizing the model to unseen data.
In summary, convolutional neural networks combine these three types of layers to process images hierarchically. Convolution layers extract local features, pooling layers reduce dimensionality and fully connected layers classify the extracted features. This architecture enables CNNs to deliver outstanding performance in many computer vision tasks and other areas of artificial intelligence.
How does a convolutional neural network work?
The operation of a convolutional neural network (CNN) is based on an architecture composed of several types of layers (in the three layers mentioned above) that work together to extract features from images and perform tasks such as classification or π object detection. Here's a detailed description of the end-to-end process.

Image pre-processing
Before being fed into a convolutional neural network (CNN) and undergoing the three layers mentioned above, an image must undergo pre-processing to ensure that the data is in an optimal format for learning. Typical image pre-processing steps are as follows:
1. Resize
Images can vary in size, but CNNs often require all input images to be the same size. Consequently, each image is resized to a standard size, such as 224x224 pixels for some common models.
2. Standardization
Normalization involves adjusting pixel values so that they fall within a common range, often between 0 and 1 or -1 and 1. This helps to speed up convergence during training and improve model stability.
3. Centering and calibration
For some applications, it may be useful to center the data around zero by subtracting the mean of the pixel values and dividing by the standard deviation.
4. Data enhancement
L'π data augmentation involves applying random transformations to the training image to create variations. This helps make the model more robust by teaching it to recognize objects despite possible variations. Common techniques include:
- Rotation
- Zoom
- Flip
- Modification of brightness and contrast.
Image pre-processing is an important step in the process, as it ensures that all images are of similar size and format, facilitating model learning. Data normalization and centering help stabilize training and accelerate convergence. In addition, increasing the amount of data enables the model to generalize better by learning from wider variations in the training data.
Training and learning
Training a convolutional neural network (CNN) is based on backpropagation. Neural networks are a subset of machine learning, and play a key role in deep learning algorithms. Machine learning is used to improve generalization performance and combat overlearning in convolutional neural networks. It is an iterative process that adjusts the network weights to minimize a loss function describing the deviation between the model predictions and the actual values of the training data.
The first step in back-propagation is to calculate the loss (or error) between the network predictions and the actual values of the training data. This loss is measured by a loss function appropriate to the problem, such as the cross-entropy for classification or the mean-squared error for regression.
For example, in the case of classification, if a model predicts a probability of 0.8 for the correct class and the π ground truth (label) is 1 (positive class), the loss could be calculated as -log(0.8), according to the cross-entropy formula.
Once the loss has been calculated, the top-down gradient algorithm is used to adjust the network weights to minimize this loss. The gradient of the loss function with respect to each network weight is calculated using backpropagation, which propagates the error from top to bottom through the network. Here's how the weights are updated:
- Gradient calculation: The gradient of the loss function with respect to each weight is calculated using partial derivation.
- Weight update: weights are updated in the opposite direction to the gradient, adjusting them to reduce loss.
- Learning rate: A learning rate is used to control the size of update steps. A smaller learning rate may help to converge more slowly, but more stably. On the other hand, a larger learning rate can speed up convergence, but risks jumping above the global minimum.
This process of calculating loss and updating weights is repeated for each sample in the training dataset over several iterations called "epochs". At each epoch, the network weights are adjusted to better represent the training data and reduce overall loss.
Training a CNN is essential, as it enables the model to learn from the training data and generalize to new, unseen data. By adjusting network weights through backpropagation, the CNN learns to recognize patterns and features in the data. This enables it to make accurate predictions on new inputs.
Optimization and regularization
During convolutional neural network (CNN) training, various optimization and regularization techniques are used to improve learning efficiency and prevent overlearning. Here are the most frequently used techniques:
1. Optimizers
Optimizers are algorithms that adjust network weights during training to minimize the loss function. They control the speed and direction of weight updates. Here are some of the commonly used optimizers:
- Adam (Adaptive Moment Estimation): A popular optimization algorithm that adapts the learning rate for each parameter according to the moving average of the gradients and the moving average of the squares of the gradients.
- RMSprop (Root Mean Square Propagation): Another optimization algorithm that adapts the learning rate for each parameter by dividing the learning rate by the square root of the moving average of the squares of the gradients.
2. Regularization
Regularization is a technique used to prevent overlearning by limiting model complexity. It aims to make the model more generalizable by reducing undesirable variations due to noise in the training data. Two of the most commonly used regularization techniques are :
- Dropout: During training, neurons are randomly dropped with a certain probability (usually between 0.2 and 0.5) at each iteration. This forces the network not to rely too heavily on particular neurons, thus reducing the risk of overlearning.
- L2 regularization: Also known as weight regularization, this adds a penalty to the loss function by adding the sum of the squares of the model weights. This pushes the weights towards smaller values, reducing model complexity and susceptibility to overlearning.
Optimization and regularization techniques are essential for training efficient and generalizable CNNs. They help avoid problems such as overlearning, where the model fits the training data too precisely and doesn't generalize well to new data. By applying these techniques, CNNs are able to learn models representative of the data and make accurate predictions on unknown data.
Why are convolutional neural networks important for computer vision?
Β Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are of paramount importance for computer vision for several reasons:
Automatic feature extraction
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are capable of automatically learning features at different scales and levels of abstraction directly from input data.Β
Unlike traditional methods where feature descriptors were designed manually, CNNs can learn to extract relevant patterns and structures from data without requiring specific human expertise.Β
This greatly simplifies the model development process in computer vision, allowing researchers and engineers to focus more on problem formulation and optimization of network architectures.
Characteristics hierarchy
CNNs learn features hierarchically, enabling them to capture information at different levels of abstraction. In the initial layers, convolution filters detect simple patterns such as edges, textures and colors.
As information is propagated through the network, higher layers combine these simple patterns to detect more complex features, such as shapes, patterns and objects.
This hierarchy of features is essential for the recognition and understanding of objects in images, as it enables the network to represent data in a more discriminating and informative way.
Robustness to variations
CNNs are inherently robust to variations in the data, such as changes in scale, rotation and translation. This robustness derives from the structure of CNNs and their convolution and pooling operations, which enable the network to detect patterns independently of their exact position in the image.
In addition, regularization techniques such as dropout and L2 regularization help prevent overlearning, further enhancing the ability of CNNs to generalize efficiently to new data.
Ability to process high-resolution images
CNNs are able to process high-resolution images efficiently, progressively reducing the dimensionality of the data while retaining the relevant information.
Pooling operations and convolution layers enable the network to reduce the spatial size of representations while preserving important features. This enables CNNs to process images of different sizes and resolutions without compromising model performance, which is crucial in many practical computer vision applications.
Outstanding performance
CNNs have demonstrated outstanding performance in a wide variety of computer vision tasks. They have significantly outperformed traditional methods in tasks such as image classification, object detection, π semantic segmentationfacial recognition, and many others.
Their ability to learn discriminative features from data and generalize efficiently to new data makes them powerful tools for solving complex problems in computer vision.
This opens the way to many innovative applications in fields such as health, safety, automotive and many others.
How important are convolutional neural networks in Deep Learning?
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are of paramount importance in the field of Deep Learning for several reasons:
Efficient processing of visual data
CNNs have introduced a major advance in visual data processing, enabling computers to perceive and analyze images in a similar way to humans.
Their architecture is specially designed to detect visual patterns at different scales and levels of complexity. This makes them particularly well suited to computer vision tasks such as classification, object detection and semantic segmentation.
Thanks to their ability to learn features directly from data, CNNs can automatically extract relevant information. This, without the need for manual feature engineering, greatly simplifies the model development process.
Characteristics hierarchy
CNNs learn features hierarchically by stacking multiple layers of convolution and pooling.
The first layers teach simple features such as edges and textures. The deeper layers teach more abstract and complex features, such as shapes and patterns.
This hierarchy of features enables CNNs to efficiently represent data at different levels of abstraction. This is essential for the recognition and understanding of objects in images.
Robustness to variations
CNNs are intrinsically robust to variations in the data. This means they can generalize efficiently to data that exhibits variations such as changes in scale, rotation and translation.
This robustness is due to the local nature of the convolution and pooling operations, which enable the network to detect patterns independently of their exact position in the image.
What's more, CNNs are capable of learning transform-invariant representations, making them even more resilient to variations in the data.
Reduce calculation overhead
CNNs reduce the computational overhead compared to fully connected neural networks by sharing the weights of convolution filters and using pooling operations to reduce the dimensionality of feature maps.
This more efficient architecture enables CNNs to process large quantities of data faster and with fewer computing resources. This makes them particularly suitable for practical, large-scale applications.
Knowledge transfer
CNNs pre-trained on massive datasets like ImageNet capture general image features that are useful for many computer vision tasks.
These pre-trained models can be used as a starting point for specific tasks with smaller datasets, where they are fine-tuned to fit the specific data characteristics of the task in question.
This knowledge transfer approach enables us to build high-performance models with less training data. This is particularly advantageous in cases where data sets are limited or expensive to obtain.
What are the concrete use cases for CNNs, and in which sectors?
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have a diverse range of concrete use cases in many sectors. Here are a few representative examples:
Computer vision and image processing
- Image classification: CNNs are used to classify images into different categories, such as classifying animal species, recognizing objects in images, or classifying diseases from medical images.
- Object detection: CNNs can detect and locate specific objects in images, which is used in security surveillance, autonomous driving and robotics.
- Image segmentation: CNNs are used to segment images into regions of interest, which is useful in fields such as medicine for segmenting tissues and organs in medical images.
Automotive and intelligent transport
- Autonomous driving: CNNs are used in the perception systems of autonomous vehicles to detect pedestrians, vehicles, road signs, etc., for safe, autonomous driving.
- Traffic analysis: CNNs are used to monitor and analyze road traffic, enabling congestion to be predicted, routes to be optimized and traffic to be managed efficiently.
Medicine and health
- Medical imaging: CNNs are used to analyze medical images such as X-rays, MRIs and CT scans to detect abnormalities and diagnose disease.
- Disease detection: CNNs are used to identify symptoms and signs of disease from clinical data and medical images, enabling early and accurate diagnosis.
Surveillance and security
- Video surveillance: CNNs are used to monitor environments in real time, detecting suspicious behavior, intrusions or abnormal events.
- Anomaly detection: CNNs are used to detect anomalies in sensor data, industrial systems or processes, helping to prevent failures and optimize operations.
E-commerce and recommendation
- Visual search: CNNs are used to enhance visual search systems, enabling users to find similar products from an image.
- Product recommendation: CNNs are used to recommend products based on user preferences and product characteristics, by analyzing images and other relevant data.
Entertainment and games
- Video games: CNNs are used to create more realistic game environments, improving graphics quality and making interactions more natural.
- π Multimedia content analysis : CNNs are used to analyze multimedia content, identifying objects, people or π actions in videos and images, which is useful for content recommendation and media curation.
In conclusion, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) represent a major advance in the field of artificial intelligence, offering remarkable capabilities for solving complex problems in a variety of fields.
Their architecture, inspired by the workings of the human brain, enables them to automatically learn visual representations from raw data. This makes them particularly effective for tasks such as computer vision, image processing and π pattern recognition.
However, despite their success and potential, CNNs are not without their challenges. Issues such as model interpretability, robustness to adversaries and the ethics of their use continue to generate debate and research.
What's more, ongoing advances in artificial intelligence are paving the way for new architectures and techniques that could complement or even replace CNNs in the future.