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How do I use Label Studio to annotate images?

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L'image annotation is a key step in the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) systems, particularly in the field of computer vision.


Label Studiois a powerful and flexible open-source tool designed to facilitate the task of the task of image annotation. Offering a user-friendly interface and a wide range of features, this tool enables users to create high-quality annotated datasets.


Mastering Label Studio is a must if you want to improve the performance of ML models thanks to rigorous and consistent annotations. We give you all the details on this tool's various options and features!



What is Label Studio?


Label Studio is an open source platform for annotating data, including images, text, audio and and videos. Developed by Heartex (renamed Human Signal in 2023), this tool stands out for its flexibility and extensibility. It is particularly well-suited to a variety of ML and AI projects.


Label Studio is designed to meet the growing need for annotated datasets. Key features include :

  • Intuitive user interface: a simple, user-friendly graphical interface that allows users to get started quickly without the need for advanced technical skills.
  • Multi-format support: The ability to annotate various types of data, including images, text, audio and video files.
  • Customization: The ability to configure and customize data annotation types according to users' specific project requirements.
  • Collaboration: Integrated features to enable collaboration between multiple annotators, making it easier to managedata annotation annotation projects.
  • Extensibility: An extensible architecture enabling integration with other Machine Learning tools and platforms.



Why use Label Studio to annotate images?


Image annotation is an essential step in training Computer Vision models. And Label Studio offers many advantages in this area. It stands out for its flexibility and the richness of its annotation tools.


It offers a full range of tools for various annotation tasks, such as bounding boxes, polygons, points and lines. This makes it possible to handle a variety of visual data and respond to different annotation scenarios, making the tool suitable for many Machine Learning projects.


Label Studio also facilitates project management thanks to its integrated functionalities. The platform enables annotation review, progress tracking and user management, ensuring greater organization and efficiency, particularly for large-scale projects. These management features help maintain high annotation quality and ensure consistency in the work of annotators, one of the crucial aspects for training high-performance Machine Learning models.


The quality and consistency of annotations are essential to the performance of Machine Learning models. Label Studio enables you to define instructions with maximum precision, and offers review tools that help maintain high standards. This is particularly important to ensure that annotated data is reliable and useful for training artificial intelligence models.


Label Studio also stands out for its interoperability. Annotations can be exported in a variety of formats compatible with the most popular Machine Learning frameworks . This facilitates the integration of annotations into existing pipelines , making the model development process smoother and more efficient.


Finally, as an open source project, Label Studio benefits from the support of a large community of contributors and users. This active community offers ongoing support, numerous resources and extensions, constantly enriching the tool and helping users to overcome any challenges they may encounter. Thanks to this dynamic community, Label Studio is constantly evolving to meet the growing needs of users in the field of data annotation.





Are you using Label Studio, but annotation tasks are taking up too much of your time?
Don't hesitate any longer: our team has mastered Label Studio perfectly, for all your annotation tasks (image, text, audio or video). Contact us today!




How do I install and configure Label Studio?


Installing and configuring Label Studio is a straightforward process that gets data annotation up and running quickly. Here's a detailed guide to installing and configuring Label Studio correctly on your systems (for example, in a Cloud such as AWS or GCP).


Installing Label Studio

- Prerequisites: Before starting, you need to have Python 3.6 or later installed on your machine. The version of Python installed can be checked by opening the terminal (or command prompt) and typing :

1python3 --version


- Installation via pip: The most common way to install Label Studio is to use pip, the Python package manager. To do this, open the terminal (or command prompt) and type :

1pip install label-studio


This command downloads and installs Label Studio and its dependencies.


- Checking installation: Once installation is complete, you can check that Label Studio has been installed correctly by typing :

1label-studio --version


This command displays the version of Label Studio installed.


Label Studio configuration

1. Launching Label Studio: To start Label Studio, first open the terminal (or command prompt), then type :



This launches the Label Studio server and provides a local URL (by default, http://localhost:8080) accessible locally via a web browser.


2. Creating a user account: When you first connect to Label Studio's web interface, creating a user account is the basis for accessing all features. An email address and password are required to set up this administrator account. Personal information is saved in JSON format to ensure data security and consistency.


3. Creating a project: Once logged in, a new project can be created by clicking on the "Create project" button. Give the project a name and description, then select the type of data to be annotated (image, text, audio, etc.).


4. Configuring data annotation tasks: Once a project has been created, annotation tasks need to be configured. Label Studio offers a visual configuration interface where you can define the tag types and annotation tools to be used. For example, to annotate images, tools such as bounding boxes, polygons or points can be selected.


5. Importing data: To start annotating, data must be imported into the project. Importing files from the local system or via URLs is a valuable service offered by Label Studio. It is also possible to connect Label Studio to cloud storage services such as AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage or Azure Blob Storage.


6. Defining data annotation guidelines : Annotation instructions provide a valuable service to annotators, giving them clear guidelines on how to carry out annotation tasks. These instructions can be added directly in the Label Studio interface and will be visible to all annotators working on the project.


7. Collaboration and user management: User management forms the basis of efficient teamwork on Label Studio, offering precise control over access and permissions. This tool lets you manage user roles and permissions, ensuring that everyone has access to the appropriate functionality.



πŸ’‘ By following these steps, installing and configuring Label Studio gets data annotation tasks underway quickly, and enables you to build customized datasets or training data. Thanks to its intuitive interface and wide range of features, Label Studio simplifies the annotation process while offering great flexibility to meet the specific needs of each project.



What kinds of data annotation tasks can Label Studio perform?


Label Studio is a versatile platform for a wide variety of annotation tasks . These tasks cover different types of data and can be adapted to various Machine Learning and research projects. Here's an overview of the main annotation tasks possible with Label Studio:


Image annotation

- Bounding BoxesBounding Boxes): Used to delimit specific objects in an image and for image image classification. This method is commonly used for tasks such as object detection.

- Polygons: Label Studio's polygon annotation feature enables precise delineation of complex objects such as leaves or clouds. This improves the quality of annotations for irregular shapes.

- Points: Points offer precise delineation of points of interest in an image, such as corners, anatomical landmarks or particular features of an object.

- Lines and segments: Draw straight lines or segments, useful for annotating linear frames such as roads or boundaries.

- Segmentation masks: Used to assign a label to each pixel in an image, which is essential for image segmentation segmentation tasks.


Text annotation

- Text classification: Allows you to classify text segments or entire documents into predefined categories. This method is often used for tasks such as sentiment analysis or document classification.

- Text Tagging: Used to annotate named entities, keywords or other specific elements in text. This task is commonly used in natural language processing (NLP) for applications such as Named Entity Recognition (NER).

- Relationship between entities: Allows you to define relationships between different entities in a text, which is useful for tasks such as extracting relational information.


Audio annotation

- Transcription: converts speech into text, essential for speech recognition and audio analysis applications.

- Audio segmentation Used to divide audio files into smaller segments, for example to identify specific lyrics, music or other sounds.

- Tagging audio events: Allows you to tag particular events in an audio file, such as specific noises, lyrics or sound effects.


Video annotation

- Object detection in videos: Similar to bounding boxes for images, but applied to videos to track objects across frames.

- Video segmentation: Allows you to segment specific parts of the video, useful for tasks such as segmenting scenes or actions.

- Video sequence classification: Used to classify video segments into predefined categories, such as identifying specific scene types or actions.



πŸ’‘ Label Studio offers tools and interfaces for configuring and executing the various annotation tasks for AI, making the process more intuitive and efficient. The platform's flexibility also makes it possible to customize annotation types according to the specific needs of each project.





Label Studio is a flexible and powerful solution for data annotation, covering various types of tasks for images, text, audio and video. Its ability to adapt to different project needs makes it an essential tool for creating high-quality annotated datasets. It's one of the best tools for fast, accurate data annotation or Data Labeling !