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Can we do without "Human in the Loop" processes for machine learning?

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The"Human in the Loop" (HITL) process is an indispensable approach for most AI projects. While the development of AI systems obviously involves automation, this approach makes it possible to precisely and reliably improve artificial intelligence by harnessing human expertise to solve complex problems. The lack of quality data, for example, requires the skills of a Machine Learning Engineer or Data Scientist to determine the best strategy for obtaining this data (type of data, volume, complexity of annotations to be made, etc.).


By combining human intuition, creativity and understanding with the power of artificial intelligence, this approach delivers results that are more accurate and better adapted to real needs. Today, the most mature labeling processes for AI are built with some level of HITL involvement: HITL blends techniques such assupervised machine learning and active learning, where humans are involved in the training and testing stages of AI algorithms.


In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence (AI), the concept of the "human in the loop" is a key factor that highlights the relationship between AI models, training data and human expertise. In this article, we explore how humans play a vital role in the growth and improvement of AI algorithms and models by actively participating in the learning process.



The importance of creating a feedback loop between human and machine


Machine learning models: the backbone of artificial intelligence

AI models are thebackbone of automation and intelligent systems, but their effectiveness depends on the quality of their training data. The availability of vast and diverse training data is essential for AI models to capture the subtleties of various tasks. In scenarios where extensive datasets are lacking, the algorithm may face a dearth of information, potentially leading to unreliable results. Incorporating an approach involving human participation becomes necessary, as it not only enriches the dataset, but also guarantees the accuracy of the learning process.


The human component: enriching training data

In the age of ChatGPTwe might think that human intervention in the processing of data sets is no longer necessary. However, despite advances in complex models such as Large Language Models (LLMs) and other artificial intelligence technologies, human intervention remains essential to validate, contextualize and refine the accuracy of models. Humans can provide additional input data, annotations, evaluations and corrections to improve the performance of machine learning models. They can also adjust decision trees and algorithms to meet the specific needs of a task. The advantage of the "human in the loop" approach is that it allowsgaps to be filled, particularly with regard to the imperfection of the AI algorithm. This is why HITL is used in many fields, such as speech recognition, facial recognition, natural language natural language processing and data classification.



A brief overview of HITL's most common problem cases


Difficult cases in HITL can vary according to the specific application domain and characteristic project categories. Here are some of the most common practical examples reported by our data annotation specialists:


Incorrect data

Erroneous data refers to data content containing errors, inconsistencies, outliers or other forms of undesirable information. In a data labeling project, for example, errors occur when data sources are incorrect. This may be due to human error during annotation, or to discrepancies in interpretation. Manual input errors and typos are also major sources of erroneous data.


Contextual ambiguity

Contextual ambiguity in the HITL process refers to situations where artificial intelligence has difficulty understanding the different datasets used to form the model. As a result, AI requires human validation to fully accomplish a task. For example, in natural language processingsome expressions may have different meanings depending on the context. An automated model may struggle to accurately understand the true intention behind a phrase without taking into account the wider context in which it is used. For large-scale outsourcing assignments, our Data Labelers sometimes perform tasks where interpretation is subjective. Such analysis leads to contextual ambiguity. That's why it's important to define an appropriate appropriate annotation strategy and clear rules before starting work on larger or smaller volumes of data.


Fast-moving information or emergency situations

Emergency or fast-moving contexts in HITL are characterized by dynamic events requiring rapid, adaptive responses. The complexity of information or systems in these situations makes tasks difficult to automate, making human intervention essential for effective problem-solving and relevant decision-making. Hybrid products need to be built, based on the construction of quasi-autonomous automated models complemented by permanent human supervisory intervention.





Adopt a Human in the Loop approach!
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Improve performance by fine-tuning algorithms


Adjusting machine learning models

One of the important roles of humans in the HITL process is thealgorithm tuning. This iterative feedback loop enables algorithms to evolve and adapt to complex real-life scenarios. By continually evaluating and adjusting algorithms, AI systems can achieve higher levels of performance.


AI models: learning, adaptation and enhancement

AI models are not static entities, but dynamic systems destined to evolve continuously. The "human in the loop" approach introduces an iterative learning process. As AI models ingest training data enriched by human expertise, they adapt and refine their algorithms according to the flow of information received.


Humans to optimize artificial intelligence models

Humans are not simply passive participants; they intervene to optimize model decisions. They actively identify errors and inconsistencies, rectify them and adjust the model's operating parameters. This constant feedback loop ensures that AI models align with real-world scenarios and requirements.


Human contributions to improve AI results and customer satisfaction

In the context of AI development, the "human in the loop" approach is invaluable. The Data Labelers with domain-specific expertise contribute their know-how to effectively categorize and classify data sets. Their contributions directly influence the quality of the results, which in turn translates into the use of AI products that meet specific customer needs.


Adoption of HITL practices, impact and error mitigation

The HITL concept is gaining widespread adoption in various companies and industries. Its impact is evident in fields such as healthcarehealthcare finance and natural natural language processing. In healthcare, for example, AI models are constantly being improved with the help of medical experts who actively participate in the training process.


One of the critical advantages of human involvement is error mitigation. Errors in AI models can have serious consequences. Humans, with their keen eye for detail, can identify and correct errors, guaranteeing the reliability and safety of AI systems.


Practical examples of the benefits of HITL for AI development

The "human in the loop" concept finds its true effectiveness in its practical applications across a wide range of fields. In terms of use cases for autonomous vehicles, HITL is essential in the research and development process to improve vehicle safety. Human drivers or annotators working on training datasets act as a safety net in semi-autonomous vehicles, providing human feedback that informs AI algorithms and helps refine their decision-making process in the most complex situations.


In the field of content recommendations, platforms use HITL to refine algorithms by taking into account user preferences in conjunction with feedback from human reviewers, ensuring that recommendations match individual tastes while respecting ethical guidelines.


In medicine, radiologists exploit AI to improve diagnoses by cross-referencing AI-generated results with their expertise, thereby reducing false positives or false negatives in medical imaging analysis. All these examples illustrate that HITL is not just a theoretical concept, but a practical requirement enabling the harmonious integration of human expertise and AI capabilities, leading to safer, more ethical and more accurate solutions in many sectors.


Another concept is RLHF (reinforcement learning with human feedback), sometimes confused with HITL. The RLHF introduces a new dimension to machine learning by incorporating human feedback into the model training process. RLHF adds a layer of human supervision, enabling machines to learn not only through trial and error, but also through human expertise. In the following section, we dive into the nuances of RLHF, explore its applications and highlight how it complements and enhances traditional reinforcement learning approaches.




Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) and the "Human in the Loop" (HITL) approach: 2 key concepts not to be confused with each other


RLHF: what's it all about?

The RLHF model and the "Human in the Loop" approach are two key concepts in the field of artificial intelligence design and machine learning technology, but they differ in their approach and methodology.


RLHF is a machine learning method where an agent learns to take actions in an environment to maximize a reward. This learning is done through trial and error, where the agent explores its environment, takes actions and receives rewards or penalties according to its actions. The aim is for the agent to learn a set of rules, a policy, i.e. a strategy that determines which actions to take in which situations to obtain the best possible reward.


On the other hand, the HITL approach involves integrating human intervention into a machine's learning or decision-making process. In the context of RLHF, the HITL process can be used for various tasks such as supervising the agent's actions, correcting errors, providing additional training data, or even defining the rewards or goals the agent seeks to maximize.


Together, RLHF and HITL can work synergistically: RLHF can, for example, enable an agent to learn from data and experience, while HITL can help guide, enhance and accelerate the learning process by providing human input, supervision or adjustments. This combination can be powerful for solving complex problems where collaboration between machine learning capabilities and human expertise is required.



An illustration of the "RLHF" concept adapted to Language Model training (source : Hugging Face)


HITL or the human touch: the cornerstone of Innovatiana


At Innovatianawe understand the importance of people in the development of artificial intelligence. Our Data Labelers don't just apply methods; they also bring critical thinking and nuanced understanding to bear, turning simple raw data into valuable information. This is particularly important in areas such as facial recognition, object object detection and natural natural language processingwhere the quality of annotated data can significantly influence the performance of machines and algorithms.


The interaction between our teams of Data Labelers and our AI engineers fosters a synergy that optimizes workflows and continually improves our technologies. This collaboration not only ensures data accuracy, but also enables us to adapt our solutions to the specific cultural and linguistic contexts of each customer.


Our commitment to excellence starts with our employees. Every Data Labeler at Innovatiana is rigorously selected and receives ongoing training to stay at the forefront of new methodologies and technologies. This approach ensures that we remain leaders in the creation of solutions for data labeling that are not only innovative, but also ethically responsible and adapted to the complex requirements of our customers.


So, at Innovatiana, human input is not only the cornerstone of the success of our creative process, it also guarantees our ability to innovate responsibly and in line with market needs!

Would you like to find out more? Don't hesitate to contact usΒ or ask for a quote. And if you're in a hurry... our on-demand annotation platform is waiting for you.