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We build custom datasets
for your AI models

Maximize the performance of your AI models (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, LLM, VLM, RAG, RLHF) with high-quality datasets. Ethically outsource your data annotation tasks (image, audio, video, text) for optimal results

Illustration Data Labeling top company Innovatiana - hands with vangovango labeling on an AI pad.

Why choose Innovatiana for your Data Labeling tasks?

Many companies claim to provide "fair" Data

Many companies providing Data Labeling services operate in low-income countries on a contractual and often impersonal basis. Data Labelers are not always paid fairly or work in decent conditions. Contrary to this market "trend", we want to offer outsourcing that has meaning and impact!

An inclusive model

We recruit our own team in Madagascar and train them in data processing and AI labeling techniques. We offer our Data Labelers a fair salary, good working conditions and opportunities for career development.

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Ethical outsourcing

We refuse the so-called"crowdsourcing" practices: we create stable and valued jobs to offer you Outsourcing that has meaning and impact as well as transparency about the origin of the Data used for AI.

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A proximity management

All the tasks entrusted to us are steered by an English- or French-speaking Manager: your privileged contact. He or she will mobilize a team of Data Labelers to meet your objectives and propose a realistic deadline.

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Very competitive rates

We offer flexible conditions, for a pricing adapted to your stakes and to your means. We charge by the job (example: "label 50,000 images with bounding boxes"): no subscription, no set-up fees.

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Your Data secured

We pay particular attention to Data Security and Confidentiality. We assess the criticality of the Data you wish to entrust to us and deploy the best Information Security practices to protect it.

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High quality Data

Our Data Labelers are trained to deliver High Quality Labeled Data to feed your AI models. We mobilize qualified Data Labelers trained in our methodology: for a maximum quality guarantee and a higher level of security.

Our services

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Data Labeling x Computer Vision

Data Labeling x Computer Vision

Our Data Labelers are trained in image and video annotation techniques. They contribute to the preparation of large data sets (Training Data for supervised Machine Learning or Deep Learning models). We use your tools (platform accessible via the Internet) or our own Data Labeling environments (Label Studio instances, CVAT, V7 license, ...). You can get the Data in the format of your choice (JSON, XML, Pascal VOC, ...) via a secure channel.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Our team is experienced in collecting data from various sources. It collects and structures data for a designated theme (example: set of images on the theme "Madagascar" for an image annotation project aimed at training a supervised learning model). Since rigor and precision are necessary for the proper conduct of this work, our methodology is based on manual searches supplemented by automated controls.

Data Moderation & RLHF

Data Moderation & RLHF

Our data moderation specialists analyze your structured and unstructured data to fine-tune your AI's capabilities (including LLM), including reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) systems, where manual intervention refines the AI agent's learning process based on human expertise. We can provide continuously available experts for your most specific tasks.

Documents Processing

Documents Processing

Do your accounting or KYC processes require the verification of documents (invoices, IDs, ...)? We can help you! Even better: we can annotate these documents, categorize them and return them in a structured format while complying with your regulatory constraints (including the RGPD).

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

AI is not only about "Computer Vision" models. There is a huge amount of information to extract from your Data thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) models. Our team is French and English speaking: we help you annotate your texts for all your Named Entity Recognition (NER), classification or semantic labeling cases.

Data Labeling x Computer Vision

Data Labeling x Computer Vision

Our Data Labelers are trained in image and video annotation techniques. They contribute to the preparation of large data sets (Training Data for supervised Machine Learning or Deep Learning models). We use your tools (platform accessible via the Internet) or our own Data Labeling environments (Label Studio instances, CVAT, V7 license, ...). You can get the Data in the format of your choice (JSON, XML, Pascal VOC, ...) via a secure channel.

Data Collection

Data Collection

Our team is experienced in collecting data from various sources. It collects and structures data for a designated theme (example: set of images on the theme "Madagascar" for an image annotation project aimed at training a supervised learning model). Since rigor and precision are necessary for the proper conduct of this work, our methodology is based on manual searches supplemented by automated controls.

Data Moderation & RLHF

Data Moderation & RLHF

Our data moderation specialists analyze your structured and unstructured data to fine-tune your AI's capabilities (including LLM), including reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF) systems, where manual intervention refines the AI agent's learning process based on human expertise. We can provide continuously available experts for your most specific tasks.

Documents Processing

Documents Processing

Do your accounting or KYC processes require the verification of documents (invoices, IDs, ...)? We can help you! Even better: we can annotate these documents, categorize them and return them in a structured format while complying with your regulatory constraints (including the RGPD).

Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing

AI is not only about "Computer Vision" models. There is a huge amount of information to extract from your Data thanks to Natural Language Processing (NLP) models. Our team is French and English speaking: we help you annotate your texts for all your Named Entity Recognition (NER), classification or semantic labeling cases.

Our method

A team of professional Data Labelers, driven by Data professionals, to help you create and maintain quality datasets for your AI outsourcing needs(data annotation for Machine Learning / Deep Learning or your LLMs!).

Step 1
icon meeting

We study your needs

We propose a tailor-made assistance, taking into account your constraints and deadlines.We offer advice on your Labeling infrastructure, the number of Data Labelers required according to your needs and the type of annotations to be used.

Step 2
icon handshake

We find an agreement

Within 48 hours, we do a test (free of charge). We find an agreement which is convenient for you. We do not lock the service: no monthly subscription, no commitment. We bill by the job!

Step 3
icon laptop

Our Data Labelers process your Data

We are mobilizing a team of Data Labelers at our service center in Majunga (Madagascar). This English- and French-speaking team is led by one of our Managers: your privileged contact.

Step 4
icon check

We carry out a Quality Review

As part of our Quality Assurance process, we review the work of our Data Labelers. This review is based on a series of manual (sample tests) and automated checks in order to guarantee you the highest level of quality!

Step 5
icon Upload

We deliver the Data

We provide you with the prepared Data( variousdata sets: annotated images or videos, revised and enriched static files, etc.), according to the terms agreed with you (secure transfer or data integrated into your systems).

You are talking about us

I've worked with Innovatiana on a variety of labeling and data cleaning activities - work that requires rigor and must remain manual... because quality is key! What I appreciate most about Innovatiana is the assurance that my data is prepared ethically, by a Labeling Studio whose team works regular hours and is paid fairly!

Hamza Kohen
Head of Data Management, CAC 40 company

Innovatiana is very helpful in reviewing our datasets to train our machine learning algorithms. The team is dedicated, reliable and always looking for solutions. I also appreciate the local dimension of the model, which allows me to interact with people who understand my needs and constraints. I highly recommend Innovatiana!

Henri Rion

Innovatiana helps us perform data labeling tasks for our classification and text recognition models, which requires a thorough review of thousands of French real estate ads. The work provided is of high quality and the team is stable over time. The deadlines are clear as well as the level of communication. I will not hesitate to entrust Innovatiana with other similar tasks (Computer Vision, NLP, ...).

Tim Keynes
Chief Technology Officer, Fluximmo

Several Data Labelers from the Innovatiana team are integrated full time into my team of surgeons and Data Scientists. All of them work together to build innovative AI products. I appreciate the expertise of the Innovatiana team, which has managed to provide me with a team of medical students with the knowledge of anatomy needed to prepare the quality data required to train my AI models.

Dan D.
Data Scientist and Neurosurgeon, Children's National

Innovatiana is part of the 4th promotion of our impact gas pedal. Its model is based on positive impact outsourcing with a service center (or Labeling Studio) located in Majunga, Madagascar. Innovatiana focuses on the creation of local jobs in under-served or underserved areas and a transparency/valuation of working conditions!

Louise Block
Accelerator Program Coordinator
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Why outsource your Data Labeling tasks?

Manual data labeling is an expensive and laborious process but it is the best way to create quality data sets to train your AI models.

Illustration of an AI with a data layer

Artificial Intelligence models require a large volume of labeled data

AI uses data and algorithms to make predictions. To make these predictions possible, a large amount of labeled data is required. Data Scientists therefore spend a large part of their time creating, processing and refining large data sets (images, videos, static and dynamic data). This is what is called "Data Labeling": a laborious, costly and time-consuming task, but a task which is essential to train supervised automatic learning models (Machine Learning or Deep Learning).

4 members of the Innovatiana team working on a project, in front of a computer.

Human evaluation is needed to build accurate and unbiased models

Data Labeling has multiple applications, such as Computer Vision, Content Moderation and Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques. In the future, Data used to build AI models will be subject to regulations such as the European Commission's regulatory framework on Artificial Intelligence, which requires the use of high quality datasets to "minimize risk and discriminatory results".

"Manual or semi-manual Data Labeling is an expensive and laborious process, but it is the best way to create quality data sets to train your models. At Innovatiana, we offer expertise, skilled labor, and automated controls to handle your big data needs at scale. We optimize your costs, processes and free up time for your team. We want you to focus on your AI models, your Use Cases and your products!

Talent is everywhere. Opportunities are not. We want to help fix this injustice by creating jobs in Madagascar, with fair wages and ethical working conditions.

Outsourcing Data Labeling work to a low-income country is a responsibility: we implement ways to put People and Ethics at the heart of your AI efforts!"

Aïcha / Co-Founder & CEO of Innovatiana
Photo of the Co-founder & CEO of Innovatiana, Aicha

We won't be stopped by one platform

We use several platforms on the market to adapt to your needs and your most specific requests!

Request a quote: we'll get back to you within 24 hours!

Fuel your AI models with High Quality Training Data!

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